Roman Hill celebrates huge improvements
School judged Inadequate and in Special Measures by Ofsted in April 2022 now “significantly improved”.
Pupils, staff and families at Roman Hill Primary School in Lowestoft are celebrating a significant turnaround following an inspection from Ofsted at the end of last month. Roman Hill is one of four primary schools within the Kingfisher Schools Trust.
The school of over 400 children in Avondale Road was judged as Good in four out of five areas, in a report shared with families and soon to be available on the Ofsted website.
Leadership and management, Early Years, Behaviour and Personal Development were all graded as Good. The Quality of Education, whilst Requiring Improvement, was assessed as being on a positive journey: ‘Pupils’ work is improving’. Inspectors commented that: ‘The culture of the school has been significantly improved over the last two years as a result of leaders’ determination to ensure pupils receive a high standard of education.’
Pupils’ behaviour and positive attitude was praised throughout the report:
‘Holding open doors and saying ‘hello’ to adults, including visitors, is expected. Pupils do this naturally now because the culture of the school has changed. This is also reflected in the atmosphere in lessons. Pupils enjoy attending the school, make good friends and are enthusiastic about their learning.’
Rob Lee was promoted from deputy headteacher to be the Head shortly after the school was judged as requiring special measures in 2022 and has overseen the transformation in the school’s fortunes.
Mr Lee commented:
‘I'm so pleased that the report recognises our journey of improvement. Ofsted have recognised many key areas we have focused on: providing a positive learning environment, higher standards, pupils’ enjoyment in attending the school, and their positive behaviour. The comments fill me with immense pride. Leaders and staff have worked relentlessly for over two years to reinvent the culture of the school and remove the barriers to progress for the children we are honoured to provide an education for.’
Craig Morrison, Chief Executive of Kingfisher Schools Trust, said:
‘My colleagues and I have been delighted to support the team at Roman Hill to create a school ethos where the pupils shine and go about their learning with real enthusiasm. It is a real transformation’.
Mr Lee added:
This report now serves as the new 'minimum standard' for us and the next phase of improvement has already begun. We will ensure that the curriculum and assessment continues to improve, so that every pupil achieves success’.